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发表于 2008-2-16 04:04:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Galli弦(Ana Vidovic用的品牌)最近终于有了碳素高音弦, 这是资深吉他爱好者(职业的和业余的都是吉他爱好者)们和其他最流行的两款碳素高音弦Hannabach Goldin和Savarez Alliance的比较. 谁有时间能给翻译一下? 谢谢, 不过拜托不要用翻译软件. segoviajr: Just put on all three Carbonios...wow are they bright! Perhaps too bright for my Spruce Humphrey...I also got the Goldins to try on the advice of Strings by Mail...anyone else compare these two sets? (just talking trebles here...)perhaps they will work better on my new Humphrey Cedar Tom? you listening? when will that be ready??? [Wink] RAM: I'd be curious to know if the goldins play in tune for you. The first string is almost always flat. When they do, I like them a lot, especially the first string. Spruce tops can be bright but are very pure sounding. Not everyone likes carbon trebles on cedar top guitars so let us know what you think about them when you do get the guitar. My feeling on the Galli carbons is that they seem to have a bit higher tension than alliances. Not sure if that would make them sound brighter but it does make them stiff. Rene segoviajr: sorry for confusion..I OO have the spruce millenium and am playing it now...I am sure once I get the Cedar I am gonna have to do this whole string dance again...but looking forward to it. Thanks for the note though, will let you know about the Goldins on my Spruce. RAM: No, I wasn't confused by your post. If the carbons are too bright on a spruce, they might be even more "zingy" on a cedar which tends to have more overtones. But I have had the opportunity to play several excellent cedar classicals that had carbon trebles, so it is certainly worth trying. Rene Sidheguitarist: Goldins are more mellow than Galli carbons, IME. segoviajr: great, thanks...these carbonios are just toooo "electric" for me...got my RH over the soundhole for everything... gonna try the goldins cyberninja: >>Goldins are more mellow than Galli carbons, Goldins, Galli carbons, Savarez Alliance, which is the most mellow one? still Goldins? Savarez Alliance string e is a bit too bright on my guitar, so I have to use my finger a bit deeper (more fresh) to make its tone bold and mellow and balanced with the other strings. Sidheguitarist: To my ears, the Goldins are the mellowest of all the carbon trebles–including alliance, galli and hannabach's own transparent carbon trebles. FWIW, -MM segoviajr: tossed the Galli Carbonios and put on the Goldins...Sidheguitarist is right..definitely mellower, but I am still not a fan of the thin feeling top string and, Rene, intonation is spot on for me with these strings...I actually find it noticeably better in tune than my "usual" set (Alliance 2 and 3, Titanium 1). I suspect I will go back though, the guitar is very bright and clear, but harder to control with these carbon fiber strings... RAM: Harder to control, yep. The more so the more responsive the guitar. On my Lucida 777, you can't do anything to make the carbon trebles sound off or bad, on my spruce tops, it is very easy to get them to sound different in color from one note to the next, too loud, too thin, etc. But whenever I give up on them, I get lose something else as well which so far I have found to be more important on my guitars at least. Aliveness. After a while, I don't do too well with nylon first E, I get no less brighter sound, but less sustain and a distinct tendency to "ping". Sometimes I feel the nylon "bottoms out". All a matter of feeling, not easy to quantify. A continuing learning process. In general, it does seem very few pros prefer carbon trebles. I should probably learn something from that .... Rene segoviajr: First thing Tom Humphrey said to me when he played my 04 was .."get these strings off of this guitar" they were the Alliance...he said just use nylon, Augustine or D'Addario..no matter.. riffmeister: Parkening uses only Alliance G string. That string has always worked well for me, too. I have totally stopped using the Alliance high E, though, Cristal is now on all my guitars. And Cristal or Alliance B string, depending on the guitar..... About the Carbonios, their highest tension string is thinner than high tension Alliance, so I think that's why the Carbonios sounded a bit brighter to me on my guitars than the Alliance.... segoviajr: I tossed the Goldins last night...I am done with this (ha ha, sure you are...) Put on nylon in the form of Galli Genius Titanio for 1 and 2. I left the Goldin 3 on, but will probably switch back to Alliance. I agree with Riff on this one, that 3rd is hard to beat on any guitar...but just never liked the Cristals on the Humphrey. The Titanio is a good choice for someone like me and Rene who is back and forth on the nylon vs carbon fiber thing..good string, I recommend it.
发表于 2008-3-6 17:28:00 | 显示全部楼层
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-6 17:28:53编辑过]
发表于 2008-3-6 19:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用与我的爱琴在2008-3-6 17:28:19的发言: LZ不是常年住在加拿大的吗?怎么连英文也没时间翻译啊?!是不是想戏弄我们的啊?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-6 17:28:53编辑过]
发表于 2008-3-7 14:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
应该是没时间,不是戏弄大家。 [/quote] 不对把,这一共才多少啊,象他这样天天泡论坛的人还能没时间? 对他来说翻译这几行英文,就好象一年级的小学生看拼音写汉字那样的简单
发表于 2008-3-13 08:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
楼上显然是针对性的冷箭, 一个字: 还是嫉妒。 哈哈.
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