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Nikita Koshikin的作品《Usher Waltz》

发表于 2008-9-18 00:44:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://6.cn/player.swf?flag=0&vid=BMX6r_23YynNiIndn7pB1g 有关这部作品和作者,先来看一下John W. Duarte在Naxos唱片中的文字介绍: “Nikita Koshkin showed an early interest in music - when he was four- his favourite composers were Shostakovich and Stravinsky, but he did not begin to study music and the guitar until he was fourteen. It was in the early 1980s that he first became internationally known for his suite "The Prince`s Toys", revealing himself as a composer who responds strongly to extra-musical programmtic images, and is unusually inventive in creating idiomatic effects, which he skilfully brings to the service of his music. Since 1990 he has been able to visit many other countries on both side of the Atlantic. It was the thought: “The piano has concert-scale waltzs like Listz`s Mephisto Waltz, why shouldn`t the guitar have one” that prompted the composition of the Usher Waltz. It is of course Usher, the fall of whose House was recorded by Edgar Allan Poe. He writes: ”The romantic-stylized theme receives a mighty dramatic development and reflects not only Usher`s (crazy) way of playing the guitar and his increasing madness, but the mood of the story as a whole. The piece ends in a gloomy and tires coda”. ” 文中提到几个重点: 1.Koshkin最喜欢的作曲家是Shostakovich 和 Stravinsky,这对于他的曲风有绝对的影响。 2.促使Koshikin创作Usher Waltz一曲的动机是因为Listz的一首圆舞曲“Mephisto Waltz”。 3.Usher Waltz的创作灵感原自美国小说家Edgar Allan Poe的一篇短篇小说“The Fall of the house of Usher” 4.最后,也是最重要的,就是Koshikin自己对于此曲的一段解说文字。 关于第一个重点,朋友们可以多听听Shostakovich 和 Stravinsky的音乐,来揣摩Koshikin的曲风,感受这两位作曲家对他的影响。 第二个重点,Listz的圆舞曲“Mephisto Waltz”,是一首取材于歌德的文学作品《浮士德》的钢琴曲,乐曲介绍如下: “Mephisto Waltz No.1 (梅菲斯特圆舞曲)是一首Liszt(李斯特)的钢琴独奏曲。作为车尔尼的学生,李斯特生前以其惊世骇俗的钢琴技巧而著称。这首梅菲斯特圆舞曲可谓是最能体现钢琴表现力以及最能挑战演奏者技术的曲目之一。这首曲子经常出现在钢琴大师的音乐会表演之中,据说也是演奏失败率最高的曲目之一。 在近12分钟的演奏中,频繁的八度跳跃,和弦,双音,以及犹如交响乐般的的气势,令人难以相信这一切仅由一双手以及一架钢琴完成。 李斯特作曲的灵感来源于歌德的《浮士德》。诡异却富有激情的和弦快速有力的敲出了故事的开始,浮士德与魔鬼梅菲斯特走进了一家乡村旅馆,那里正在举行一场婚宴。婚宴的音乐温暖而欢快,但也许是因为梅菲斯特的到来,使得其中不免隐隐的透出了一丝诡气。梅菲斯特从一人手中抢过一把小提琴,此时音乐戛然而止。 随着一阵音阶,梅菲斯特开始了他的演奏。此时音乐放肆张扬富有激情,并且诡异摄人心魂。其中还不时用颤音来表现梅菲斯特的疯狂大笑。婚宴上的人们也为着来自于魔鬼的音乐所失态、疯狂。 浮士德看到了一名美丽的女子,梅菲斯特为他用尽甜言蜜语来引诱她。音乐也变得温柔婉转,靡靡不振。最终女子同意了,随他走入了林中。一阵阵的音阶以及分解和弦,犹如月光静静的撒入了密密的林中。 音乐再度变得疯狂。激情荡漾?心潮澎湃?醉生梦死?很难找到一个合适的词语来形容这一段音乐。浮士德与女子在林中疯狂着。树林外边却仍然是静静的,月光依旧静静的流淌着。当再次回到林中时,听众方才意识到,其实那份所谓快乐,只不过是短暂的浮华而已……….” 放肆张扬富有激情,诡异并且摄人心魂,或许就是Koshikin想要在Usher Waltz中营造的气氛吧 梅菲斯特圆舞曲的下载地址:http://www.johnbellyoung.com/sound/LISZT_Mephisto_Waltz.mp3 第三个重点,关于Allan Poe的短篇小说“The Fall of the house of Usher”,有很多关于这部小说的评论可以搜索,而我在此截取小说中的一段文字和翻译: “For several days ensuing her name was unmentioned by either Usher or myself; and during this period I was busied in earnest endeavors to alleviate the melancholy of my friend. We painted and read together; or I listened, as if in a dream, to the wild improvisations of his speaking guitar. And thus, as a closer and still closer intimacy admitted me more unreservedly into the recesses of his spirit, the more bitterly did I perceive the futility of all attempt at cheering a mind from which darkness, as if an inherent positive quality, poured forth upon all objects of the moral and physical universe, in one unceasing radiation of gloom. I shall ever bear about me a memory of the many solemn hours I thus spent alone with the master of the House of Usher. Yet I should fail in any attempt to convey an idea of the exact character of the studies, or of the occupations in which he involved me, or led me the way. An excited and highly distempered ideality threw a sulphurous luster over all. His long, improvised dirges will ring forever in my ears. Among other things, I hold painfully in mind a certain singular perversion and amplification of the wild air of the last waltz of Von Weber. From the paintings over which his elaborate fancy brooded, and which grew, touch by touch, into vaguenesses at which I shuddered the more thrillingly because I shuddered knowing not why,―from these paintings (vivid as their images now are before me) I would in vain endeavor to educe more than a small portion which should lie within the compass of merely written words. By the utter simplicity, by the nakedness of his designs, he arrested and overawed attention. If ever mortal painted an idea, that mortal was Roderick Usher. For me, at least, in the circumstances then surrounding me, there arose out of the pure abstractions which the hypochondriac contrived to throw upon his canvas, an intensity of intolerable awe, no shadow of which felt I ever yet in the contemplation of the certainly glowing yet too concrete reveries of Fuseli. 接下来的几天内,无论是厄谢尔还是我都绝口不提她的名字(指厄谢尔的妹妹)。在这段时间内,我忙于使我的朋友心情好起来。我们一起作画、读书、或者如同身处梦境般倾听他用吉他即兴倾诉他的情感。就这样,我们越来越亲密的关系使得我能够接触他的心灵深处;同时我也更痛苦地觉察到一切使他摆脱晦暗的努力都是徒劳。 我将永远保留一份记忆,那是关于和厄谢尔府的主人独处的许多时光。但是我无法说出他拉上我或引导我要进行什么样的研究,或是从事什么样的事情。他的长篇言论将永远回响在我的身边。除此之外,我也会痛苦地记住他对冯.韦伯的最后一支圆舞曲里粗犷的曲调进行的修改。他运用他的想象力,勾勒出一幅又一幅的画面,随着他一笔又一笔地润色,画面变得朦胧不清,这令人不寒而栗,而且如果要我用文字把它们描述出来,或者哪怕只描述其中极小的一部分,都是万万做不到的。 他的画面设计简洁,笔触鲜明,能够引人注目,也能摄人魂魄。这世上只有厄谢尔这一凡人曾经画过“思想”。 至少对于处于那种环境中的我来说,从他画布上描述出的纯粹抽象的思想中,我油然而生一种恐怖之情。” 小说中的主人公 Roderick Usher是一个略微有心理病态的人,他的精神状态时常游离于现实和梦幻之间的晦明交界地带,同时又是一个具有高度文学艺术修养的人,小说中还提到他会弹吉他,在演奏给他的朋友听时,改编了德国作曲家冯.韦伯的最后一支圆舞曲,这首圆舞曲对于学习古典吉他的朋友来说并不陌生,在卡尔卡西大教本第三部分,也就是50首渐进练习曲的43首《韦伯主题变奏曲》,主题部分就是韦伯的最后一支圆舞曲。 Koshikin在创作Usher Waltz的时候,或许在音乐动机上借用了一点韦伯这首圆舞曲的曲调,因为这首Usher Waltz其实就是Koshikin想象在小说中主人公Roderick Usher在上述情节中所演奏的音乐。 最后一点,Koshikin说明了这部作品所表现的,不只是小说主人公Roderick Usher弹吉他的方式,同时也是表现了Roderick Usher的内心状态,最后有个晦暗和疲惫的结尾。对于想要把握好这部作品的人,需要仔细阅读小说,并分析Roderick Usher的内心世界。
发表于 2008-9-18 16:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
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